Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Conundrum

My conundrum is this...

It's true. My husband is a true blue, sad when they lose, elated when they win, screamin and yellin Los Angeles ANGELS Fan (for ones who don't know, it's a baseball team). And yes, since we have been together I have become a devoted fan as well but I have a problem with the oh-so-terrible fan gear that they try to sell you.

I really want to go all out and support the team, but not in a itchy un-flattering red t-shirt. I have tried different tatics to look the part: wearing the colors of the team in "my-kinda-style" way - even pairing angel wings with my outfit, but up until this point I have not actually worn something proclaiming the greatness of the ANGELS.

Until now....

P.S. The Vintage Society store will feature "Fan Fare" which will be reconstructed vintage clothing with your favorite sports team logo. That way... if your man is a fan or if you are a fan you can still look smokin hot when you go to the games.

If anyone has special requests for certain teams, let me know!


Crystal said...

This is a great idea, I have had the same problem. My husband Coaches and it would be nice to have something i enjoyed wearing while supporting the team.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. I think it is awesome that you are going to have fanfare. You are so right. The stuff they sell to wear is nothing that I really want to wear. I love your blog!!!!!!!